Higgins Weather FORECASTING

Our exceptional ability provides you with unparalleled accuracy!

Detailed risk maps, written forecasts and live severe warnings for South East QLD…

Some of the 5 star reviews: "Invaluable information", "Saved our lives" , "Amazing thank you!" , "So happy we subscribed" , "Finially someone who gets it right".

Our subscription product will provide you and your family with very detailed accurate weather information and warnings. Our in-house products are produced by humans everyday which has over 10 years of proven reliability. We utilise our teams 75 years worth of weather knowledge and experience to analyse raw data from many sources.
You will have peace of mind knowing exactly what weather to expect.
You’re not just getting the best weather information with bang for buck, you’re also supporting an Australian owned, hard working, passionate and dedicated small business. Join 1000’s of happy subscribers and jump onboard today!