heavy rain Tag

What is a La Nina Weather Pattern & What are its impacts?? ENSO PATTERNS:ENSO is the abbreviation of the phrase ‘El Nino-Southern Oscillation”. This pattern is a large driver for long term weather conditions across Australia (as well as many other countries across the world) and...

Over the 2021/2022 calendar period, there has been a very distinct influx in curiosity by the general public surrounding chemtrails, geoeningeering, government man-made weather phenomena, controlled weather etc. A large portion of this has been brought on by a ‘want’ for understanding why continuous flood...

Cumulonimbus clouds are considered the absolute kings of the cloud world. Cumulonimbus clouds are commonly known as thunderstorm clouds, and while the bases of these clouds sit between 1,100 and 6,500ft usually.. they are the ONLY cloud in the world that takes up the entirety...